Meet Anya, Coordinator of Singen&Basteln Meetings

Who is Anya?
I am English, married to a Lucerner, mother of two boys. I have been living in Lucerne for 16 years. I came to Lucerne with EF Educational Tours, as their whole operations department transferred from Amsterdam to Lucerne in 2002. Since I had children, I have been looking for a way to work around the children’s schedule. Currently I run a baby and toddler singing class in English 4 times a week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I also run a musical theater workshop in English for one week twice a year for children aged 7-10 (Part of the Kreativ and Sport Woche organized by Stadt Luzern).

Why did you join SIVO as a volunteer?
I decided I wanted to volunteer because:
1. I feel very lucky in my life, and wanted to find a project that allows me help people less fortunate than me on a regular basis.
2. Working with refugees and their children was a great option as allows me to use the experience gained in the singing class, my experience I have with my own children, and also my experience of being a newcomer in a foreign country. My organization and managerial experience from my previous job at EF, also come in handy as well…😉
3. I love working with a team of foreigners and swiss people. We all have different skills and experience and we can learn a lot from each other.
4. This project is something that can be fitted around family commitments with small children (i.e. in school hours and only during term time).

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