Where are you from?
I come from a German family and was raised in South America. My father was an international businessman and his work had him stationed in Peru and Brazil for over 25 years. I was always very attarcted to the US and the UK and hence pursued my studies in these countries (BA in Economics and an MBA). I also pursued my prfofessional career there.
Why did you apply for a Strategic Volunteering position?
SIVO is a wonderful organization that allows women like me the opportunity to reenter the work environment. I am very grateful to have this chance! I applied for the programme because I would like to reenter the work force after a long “family break”. I have 4 children and have found it difficult to find a job that is interesting and flexible enough to accommodate my obligations to my family. An internship through SIVO seems like a fantastic way to regain some professional experience und update my skills.
I hope to feel confident and up to date with my skills and more marketable as a job candidate in the job market.
What do you do as a Support Coach?
As a Support Coach in the SME module (Small and Medium Enterprises) at Hochschule Luzern I am supporting students as a consultant. I am there to answers questions, brainstorm, maybe point out alternate thought processes or similar. I can also help them practice their presentation skills. My role and responsabilities are rather vague so I have a fair anmout of flexibility to help the students where they need me most.
What do you expect to gain from this experience?
I am looking to not only get current professional experience and refresh my skills, but also to gain experience as a coach and trainer. I think there is a lot of opportunity in this field.
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